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New LifeSet program offers support to Kentucky young people 


Young people who have experienced foster care have big dreams, but need support to navigate new adult challenges. The Kentucky Department of Community-Based Services is providing extra support for young people in collaboration with Youth Villages LifeSet program beginning July 1.  

The program is the bridge from foster care to adulthood for participants and will be available to young people in Lexington, Louisville and the surrounding areas. You are eligible if you:


  • Exited custody at age 18 without extending commitment (up to age 21.)

  • Are age 17 and planning to exit custody at 18 without extending commitment.

  • Are age 18 or older and opted to extend your commitment.

  • Are currently living in a DCBS foster home or relative or kinship foster home (ages 17 to 21.)


What do you need?

LifeSet puts you in the driver’s seat with a specialist by your side as you navigate adult challenges. You set your own goals and have the assistance and resources you need to achieve them. Typically, young people set goals to achieve or obtain:

Diplomas/GED Financial skills Higher education

Healthcare access Jobs/jobs training Parenting skills
Stable housing Support system


Meeting you where you are…

Your specialist meets you face-to-face once each week in the community and is constantly available to help you overcome challenges.

Specialists with the program will be beginning to help young people July 1. To find out more or to ask eligibility questions, contact your DCBS Independent Living Specialist or email




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