Voices of the Commonwealth
Kentucky's Premier Youth Advocacy team By foster youth, for Foster youth


New Pandemic Relief is now available!
Are you currently in foster care (including Independent Living) or were in state's care on your 18th birthday?
Were you adopted at 16 or older?
If you answered yes to either of these questions and are currently between the ages of 18 – 22 years old, you may be eligible for additional pandemic relief.
Register below for aid!
Please do not register more than once. A Pandemic Relief Navigator will be in contact with you as soon as possible.
Be sure to provide an accurate email and/or phone number as this is how the pandemic relief navigator will contact you.
Note: youth are only eligible for one special direct stimulus payment so youth who received a stimulus payment through this program last year are NOT eligible for another one. However, you may be eligible for other pandemic relief resources.
For questions, email: kyfosteryouthpandemicaid@ky.gov